SALE is ON >>> SONY® PS4™ / PS5™ GAME'S

SALE is ON >>> SONY® PS4™ / PS5™ GAME'S
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შეთავაზებაშია: SONY PlayStation 4 - ის ორიგინალი დისკები.

ყველა არის გარანტიით, მუშა მდგომარეობაში.

დროებითი შეთავაზება 3+1 !!!

3 დისკის შეძენის შემთხვევაში მიიღეთ მეოთხე საჩუქრად !!!

გაყიდვაშია შემდეგი თამაშები:

დასახელება | ფასი | გამოშვების წელი\

1. Agents of Mayhem - 20ლ - 2017წ

2. ANTHEM - 20ლ - 2019წ

3. BATTLEBORN - 10ლ - 2016წ

4. BATTLEFIELD V - 50ლ - 2018წ

5. BEN 10 Power Trip - 30ლ - 2020წ

6. BORDERLANDS 3 - 30ლ - 2019წ

7. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy - 70ლ - 2017წ

8. Cyberpunk 2077 - 70ლ - 2020წ

9. DEATH STRANDING - 50ლ - 2020წ (PS4 Exclusive)(PS5)

10. DESTINY - 10ლ - 2014წ

11. DESTINY 2 - 15ლ - 2017წ

12. DESTINY 2 Forsaken Legendary Collection - 15ლ - 2014წ

13. DESTINY The Taken King - 15ლ - 2015წ

14. Dirt Rally: Legend Edition - 50ლ - 2016წ

15. DISHONORED 2 - 20ლ - 2016წ

16. Dragon Age INQUISITION - 30ლ - 2014წ

17. E.V.O.L.V.E. - 10ლ - 2015წ

18. FALLOUT 4 - 10ლ - 2015წ

19. FALLOUT 76 - 20ლ - 2018წ

20. FAR CRY NEW DOWN - 50ლ - 2019წ

21. Farming Simulator 19 - 30ლ - 2018წ

22. FIFA 2017 - 15ლ - 2016წ

23. FOR HONOR - 20ლ - 2017წ

24. HOMEFRONT The Revolution - 20ლ - 2016წ

25. Horizon Zero Down - 20ლ - 2017წ (PS4 Exclusive) (RUS)

26. JUST DANCE 2020 - 40ლ - 2019წ

27. JUST DANCE 2021 - 50ლ - 2020წ (PS5)

28. KNOWLEDGE is POWER - 20ლ - 2017წ

29. LEGO STAR WARS - 40ლ - 2020წ

30. MADDEN NFL 15 - 5ლ - 2014წ

31. MADDEN NFL 16 - 5ლ - 2015წ

32. MADDEN NFL 17 - 5ლ - 2016წ

33. MADDEN NFL 18 - 5ლ - 2017წ

34. MADDEN NFL 19 - 5ლ - 2018წ

35. MAFIA III - 50ლ - 2016წ

36. MARVEL AVENGERS - 60ლ - 2020წ

37. METRO REDUX - 40ლ - 2013წ

38. Monster Hunter: World - 30ლ - 2018წ

39. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 - 60ლ - 2016წ

40. NASCAR HEAT 2 - 40ლ - 2017წ

41. NBA 2K16 - 10ლ - 2015წ

42. NBA 2K17 - 15ლ - 2016წ

43. NBA 2K18 - 20ლ - 2017წ

44. NBA 2K19 - 30ლ - 2018წ

45. NBA 2K21 - 60ლ - 2020წ (PS5)

46. NBA LIVE 19 - 30ლ - 2018წ

47. NIOH - 30ლ - 2017წ (PS4 Exclusive)

48. Predator: Hunting Grounds - 40ლ - 2020წ (PS4 Exclusive)

49. RAGE 2 - 20ლ - 2019წ

50. RATCHET & CLANK - 50ლ - 2016წ (PS4 Exclusive)(RUS)

51. RESIDENT EVIL VILLAGE - 80ლ - 2021წ

52. SIMS 4 - 60ლ - 2014წ

53. Singstar Celebration - 10ლ - 2017წ

54. SONIC FORCES - 60ლ - 2017წ

55. SPYRO Reignited Trilogy - 70ლ - 2019წ

56. STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT Deluxe Edition - 15ლ - 2015წ

57. STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT II - 30ლ - 2017წ

58. STAR WARS JEDI: Fallen Order - 50ლ - 2019წ

59. STARLINK Battle For Atlas - 20ლ - 2018წ

60. Street Fighter V - 40ლ - 2016წ (PS4 Exclusive)

61. TEKKEN 7 - 60ლ - 2016წ

62. THAT'S YOU! - 20ლ - 2017წ

63. The Elder Scrolls Online - 5ლ - 2014წ

64. The GOLF CLUB Colectors Editon - 10ლ - 2019წ

65. The Last Of Us Part II - 80ლ - 2020წ (PS4 Exclusive) (ENG)

66. The OUTER WORLDS - 50ლ - 2019წ

67. The SHOW 14 Beisball - 5ლ - 2014წ

68. The SHOW 17 Beisball - 10ლ - 2017წ
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